About  AAE

Born from the passion of professional artists and art lovers, L'ACADÉMIE DES ARTS EXPRESSIONNISTES (AAE) is an art association established in 2012 in Paris, France under the regime of the law of 1901.
Its mission is to defend art in all forms and in particular expressionist art,  assisting artists to develop their art in France or abroad, by organizing exhibitions, creative  workshops, and encouraging young talents to develop their potential.

AAE members like painters, sculptors or photographers participate actively in the academy's activities, to better promote and develop Expressionism and all other schools of art. AAE Academy aims to discover and help young talents, who would enrich the inexhaustible reservoir of possibilities in artistic expressions.
AAE Academy assists its members in technical and administrative aspects, like to assist them in participating in important French and international art salons, art fairs and other art exchange activities, and to organize young artists to follow introductory or advanced courses in professional artist studios.




The Founder of  AAE ---Jean Michel with french artist, Marie joseph Tournon

With the continuous prosperity of Sino-French cultural and artistic exchanges, the Expressionist Art Academy finally established AAE Museum in Guangzhou in March 2017.

Since the creation of AAE Art museum, numerous cultural and artistic exchange activities have been succesfully organized, under the active guidance of the President of AAE - Jean Michel Stanislas Garczynski. AAE Academy assists its members to participate in exhibitions and art fairs of high quality in China;  organizes artistic trips in France and Europe for Chinese artists and collectors; and provides art exhibitions, art salons, art courses at the AAE Art Museum.


Born in Paris in 1957, Jean Michel Stanislas GARCZYNSKI is an expressionist artist, visual artist, sculptor, illustrator, photographer, designer. President of Expressionist Art  Academy and art consultant of CHIA (China Horse Industry Association).


Xuan Xinming, Artist painter of the Canton Academy, born in 1959 in Anhui. National artist, member of the Association of Chinese Artists, vice-president of AAE. He made several art trips to Europe and in particular to France. For his very first exhibition in France, he won the Taylor Prize at Salon d'Automne of Paris in 2015.

Membres du Bureau:

Président d'honneur : Michel Jouenne Artiste peintre

Président :                     Jean Michel Stanislas GARCZYNSKI Artiste peintre

Vice-Président :            Xuan Xinming Artiste peintre de l'académie de Canton Chine